The relationships between NohaVPS (hereinafter "NOHAVPS LLC") and the user (hereinafter the "Client") of the services provided by NohaVPS (hereinafter the "Service"), will be regulated by the clauses and conditions included in this contract for the provision of services (hereinafter the "Contract" ), canceling any previous agreement that may exist between the parties. Acceptance and compliance with all the clauses of this Contract is an essential condition to be a Client of NohaVPS, and maintain the character of such. The sending by the Client of the Application form of Service, expresses its validation and full agreement with the content of this Contract. NohaVPS may modify at any time any of the clauses contained in the Contract. The Client is entitled to reject the modification of the contractual conditions within a period of five (3 ) calendar days of receiving the communication from NohaVPS. The rejection must be made by sending an email from the box registered by the Client for their account, to the electronic address of our Administration Department, that is, the use of the Service after the period granted to the Client to reject the modifications will imply its acceptance. In case of rejection by the Client of the modified conditions, NohaVPS will cancel this Contract, from the date of entry into force of the modifications.
NohaVPS specializes in providing VPS Servers, to individuals and companies around the world. To do this, it has an experienced team of professionals, technicians and administrative staff, as well as a high-speed server network. Its work philosophy is to guarantee compliance with the Service offered with efficiency, honesty and seriousness.
The website uses cookies to help personalize your online experience. By accessing NOHAVPS LLC, you agreed to use the necessary cookies.
A cookie is a text file that a web page server places on your hard drive. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie.
We may use cookies to collect, store and track information for statistical or marketing purposes to operate our website. You have the ability to accept or reject optional cookies. There are some mandatory cookies that are necessary for the operation of our website. These cookies do not require your consent as they always work. Please note that by accepting the required cookies, you also accept third-party cookies, which may be used through services provided by third parties if you use such services on our website, for example, a video display window provided by third parties and integrated on our website.
The required data, entered when registering as a client, must contain true and updated information about THE CLIENT. NohaVPS reserves the right to verify that the data is true, otherwise THE CUSTOMER will be required to provide us with Please provide the correct details immediately. Any anomaly derived from THE CLIENT not being correct will not be the responsibility of NohaVPS. Any change or modification of the registered office, financial data, account data, etc, must be updated by accessing the customer area, for rectification in our database. All data is modifiable except the email, since it is a vitally important field, because all the information in the account is sent by email to said email. In order to modify the email, THE CUSTOMER must contact the department administration to inform you about it.
Malevolent attempt to prevent another person's use of email or news services will result in immediate termination of the offender's account at NohaVPS LLC. E-mail/Message Forging: Forging any message header, in part or in whole, of any electronic transmission, originating or passing through the NohaVPS LLC, is in violation of these terms of contract. Usenet spaming: NohaVPS LLC, It has a zero tolerance policy for the use of its network for the sending of commercial messages or advertisements, which violate the rules, regulations, FAQ or letter of any newsgroup or mailing list. Commercial messages that are appropriate under the rules of a newsgroup or mailing list or that are requested by the recipients are permitted. Unauthorized Access: Using the NohaVPS LLC service to access, or attempt to access the accounts of others, or penetrate, or attempt to penetrate security measures of NohaVPS LLC or another entity's software or hardware, electronic communications system or security system. telecommunications, whether or not the intrusion results in corruption or loss of data, is expressly prohibited and the NohaVPS LLC account involved will be subject to immediate termination. *Sharing your password and access account to unauthorized users is prohibited.
You should be careful to prevent others from using your account as you will be responsible for such use.
NohaVPS takes the issue of child pornography very seriously, and any potential harm to minors using our Services is strictly prohibited.
Content that is or may be perceived to be child pornography will be immediately removed from public access upon notification or detection by Us. Additionally, NohaVPS reserves the right to terminate any Account whose website(s) hosts or links to child pornography immediately and without notice to You. If the account is a NohaVPS reseller account, the account will be suspended, and the reseller will be directed to terminate the responsible account. You agree to cooperate in any such efforts. Content or communications seeking to solicit, lure or entice minors into sexual activity or lewd behavior is also strictly prohibited, and will be treated the same as, or similar to, child pornography, consistent with applicable law. You agree to cooperate with NohaVPS in any effort to investigate, disable or remove such Content originating with Your end users. Consistent with federal law, NohaVPS, will cooperate with law enforcement authorities and will notify such authorities if it suspects that You or any of Your downstream customers or end users are engaged in any such illegal activities.
NohaVPS does not guarantee that the availability of the service that is the subject of this contract will be continuous and uninterrupted, due to circumstances caused by problems in the Internet network, breakdowns in computer devices and other unforeseeable circumstances. Therefore, the CUSTOMER agrees to bear these circumstances within reasonable limits, and therefore expressly renounces claiming NohaVPS any contractual or extra-contractual liability for possible failures, errors and use of the contracted service. Under no circumstances will NohaVPS be responsible for the loss of data, whatever its origin, interruption of commercial activities or any damage derived from the operation of the services, or the expectations generated by the CLIENT, being exonerated from any responsibility. NohaVPS is not responsible for the loss or deletion of data, regardless of whether for security reasons it makes temporary copies on its servers, the loss or deletion of data being the exclusive responsibility of the CUSTOMER, who for their security has the obligation to carry out the corresponding backup and recovery.
All notifications between the parties will be made via email. The CLIENT is responsible for confirming receipt of the notifications and for informing NohaVPS of any modification to their data, leaving NohaVPS exonerated from any liability arising from this circumstance. In case of modification, the CLIENT must inform NohaVPS at the e-mail or telephone numbers indicated in this contract, and NohaVPS will be exonerated for non-reception of our emails for reasons attributable to the CLIENT. Both parties agree to retain all relevant documentation exchanged by any means, as proof of the transactions carried out.
The CLIENT acknowledges that he has understood all the information regarding the services offered on our website, as well as all the conditions and stipulations included in this electronic contract, which is why he affirms that they are sufficient to exclude the error in the consent hereof. contract, and therefore, accepts them in full and expressly.
We deem abuse to be usage that can cause a significant or noticeable impact on other machines, or usage that is excessive for your plan. Generally, we find that you should maintain under a 75% average CPU usage on virtual private servers (VPS), in order to prevent any potential impact on other users. If we do find that your usage is excessive, we may deprioritize your CPU usage or potentially, in some rare circumstances, implement a 35% (or lower) temporary CPU usage limit. Most of our servers usually have plenty of CPU resources available, and hence it is rare that we have to implement caps or limitations, these are just general guidelines. It is fine to temporarily burst past 75% CPU usage, but sustained usage past that can be deemed as excessive and may be temporarily deprioritized and/or capped if a server is running out of CPU compute resources.
If we detect a usage that exceeds this policy, we will contact you to determine the cause and seek a solution to it.
If it is not possible to solve it, we do not receive a response from you, there is a lack of cooperation or it is recurrent over time,
we may be forced to limit the features of the contracted service or block access to it.
No, we do not offer refunds. If you have additional questions, please contact support.
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